Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 technology has pretty much taken over the internet. I think that Web 2.0 tools are great for use in the classroom. I created this reflective journal using Blogger and have enjoyed the creation and development process. Using various technologies in the classroom is vital to the learning experience, especially when studying in a program like the OMDE. I find myself thinking of ways that I can incorporate some of the tools that I’ve used in different classes in the classrooms that I create in my professional life. The exposure to different technologies not only promotes an exciting and dynamic atmosphere, but it enables the student to get hands-on experience using the different tools.
My favorite Web 2.0 platform at the moment is Pinterest. I just heard, from a news source, that Pinterest is the 3rd most visited social media site…I’m assuming that Facebook and Twitter are in the number 1 and 2 spots, but the report didn’t specifically say that. I joined Pinterest about six months ago and am amazed at its growth since then. As a very visual person, the fact that the site is image-driven is amazing to me.
I attended a webinar that discussed social media sites a couple of months ago. The presenter mentioned Pinterest, but didn’t see any relevant educational value in the platform. I totally disagree with that. Pinterest would be most conducive to educational programs that are design-focused, such as art programs, interior design, and even architecture, but there are several other subjects that could use Pinterest to enhance students learning. Pinterest could even be used to create a classroom pinboard that students in pretty much any program could use to pin images specific to the course content and readings throughout the duration of the course.

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