Saturday, March 31, 2012

Group Project Progress

The Group Project for Assignment 3 is steadily moving forward. Although I am fortunate to be in a great group, I think that we initially got off to a slow start because we were very focused on finding realistic figures regarding our information security course. Once we got over the hurdle of figures, all other elements of the project have come together pretty well.
We’ve had meetings once a week, using the Study Group chat room, since the beginning of the project and have all been involved in the decision making for the various elements of our course. Additionally, we’ve all located and shared really great resources to aid in the development of the project.
Through our research, we’ve reviewed several cyber security courses that are currently offered at universities. The variety of these types of courses is almost overwhelming. Many institutions offer some sort of information security degree or certificate program, so planning a scenario and figuring out the finances for a mock course has been extremely interesting. I’m leading the PowerPoint development and crafting a formal course description for our course.  My other group members are taking the lead on the scenario and the spreadsheet. All group members are providing input on all of these efforts. This is a true group experience!
Although I work on online courses by day, I had absolutely no concept of the costs of developing a course or program before taking OMDE 606. This course, as a whole, and Assignment 3 have given me a better understanding of the thought and planning that must go into developing a new course.

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