Thursday, March 1, 2012

Reflection on the 2nd Assignment

Unfortunately, Assignment 2 did not go as well as I had hoped. Like some of my fellow classmates, this assignment was difficult for me because of the heavily-infused mathematical aspects of the assignment. Initially, creating the Excel file with the required items was pretty simple, but connecting the Excel sheet to some of the questions in the question and answer part of the assignment was a lot more difficult for me. Number crunching and equations typically make me panic, but tying these numbers to the different costs was overwhelming.

I realize that by working in the distance education field, one must be knowledgeable about the different types of costs that must be researched, accounted for, and budgeted. As an Instructional Designer, my hope is that I won’t have to worry about costing items too much. In my experience, that has been more of a concern of Project Managers and those in executive positions. Still, I wish that I had grasped the concepts a bit better in order to turn in an accurate and completed assignment. Better luck next time.

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